Plywood - Laminate Billing Software
Why "ECount" PlyLam Accounting Software" ?
Software is Special Design for stockist of Plywood, Flush door, Laminate door, Hardware Business
Product, Size, Thickness, Design Set Filtration based on Products Group Wise
Auto Generate Bill SalesChallan/Delivery Note
Change Product Rate Calculation at time of bill.
Software is inspired (like) from invent software (hetkal software) - Rajkot
Outstanding Reminder (As per City Wise, Mistry Wise, Representative wise)

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Powerfull Inventory Solution

Size, Design plus Thickness wise stock zooming.
Maintain Challan + Bill + Stock transfer facility with Location plus Branch wise.
Barcode Scanning & Manual Billing
Stock Sheet as per Product Attributes (Size, Thickness, Design)
Primary and Alternative Unit for Each Item (*Unit Conversion Option)
Stock Valuation on Multiple Methods
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